Sunday, May 3, 2015

Short vacay to villa danialla

Since semua dah bz dgn life masing2
Maka kitorang cari satu masa sesuai utk spend some time together
After weeks of planning and discussing about venue and date,we came out with this villa which located just in our hometown
Villa danialla ni dekat tok bali,bachok,kelantan
Before decide utk pergi sini, weall byk survey kt internet utk pilih location
Then weall nampak villa ni agak menarik compared to others
So pergi terus dkt and book the date

Location agak strategik sbb berhampiran dgn tmpt nelayan bawak balik hasil tangkapan
So seafood memg fresh
Kitorang check in pkul 3.30ptg sbb jalan jam
Then aktiviti prg tu byk dihabiskan main2 tepi pantai
Then mlm tu keluar dinner kt luar
Di restoran boss ikan bakar
Memg terbaikkk sgt seafood dia
Segar sedap murah 
Memg kitorang puas hati sgt2
Xsampai rm100 pon spend utk dinner that night

Esoknya bgn pagi terus terjah cafe utk breakfast
Best jugak menu breakfast dia
Mcm2 hadooo
Dgn nasi lemaknya,roti canai dan sebagainya
Then the best part is mandi kt infinity pool
Sgt sgt enjoy
Sambik tgk view laut and budak2 main kt kolam bawah
Kolam dia ada dua level
Level ats utk org dewasa start with 5feet-11feets
And kolam bawah memg utk budak2 la
Sgt recommended utk buat family day kt sini sbb ada byk jenis villa
Ada yg konsep blik chalet,banglo,
So it depends pd pilihan masing2


Im pretty sure that i will come again

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